10 Eye Health TIPS You Need To Follow in 2025
If you want to keep your eyes healthy, you have to take some steps, today we will discuss this in detail. Eyes, which are a very important part of our life, it is very important to keep them healthy, with increasing age they start weakening. So you have to take care of them from your youth so that you can live a healthy life without any complications. Healthy eyes add color to your life. Clear vision is clear health. So let’s talk about how to keep eyesight healthy.
1. You should include eye-related foods in your diet
Healthy eyes require certain nutrients and vitamins.
- Include vitamin A in your diet so that your eyes can avoid diseases like night blindness. Carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes are good sources of vitamin A. So you can include them in your diet and it is also easily available.
- If you want to protect your eyes from damage, you need Vitamin C. And if we talk about vitamin C, then we get it from fruits and vegetables like strawberries, broccoli, oranges. That’s why we definitely consume fruits in lunch and you can do the same.
- If you want to keep your cells healthy, then you must include Vitamin E in your diet. Talking about sources, almonds, peanuts and sunflower seeds are its storehouses, you can easily include them in your diet
- Zinc proves to be helpful in strengthening your retina. You can use non-veg, seafood and fortified cereals in your diet
- Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and it helps prevent dry eyes. Make sure to use fish like salmon and tuna in your diet
- A diet rich in Vitamins helps prevent diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.
If you want to avoid diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration, then you should adopt a good diet rich in vitamins.
2. Drink plenty of water
If you want to avoid skin inflammation, dryness and irritation, you should always keep an eye on dehydration in your body. Water is the cure for all these.
- Drinking 2.5 – 3 liters of water per day will do the job
- Include foods like cucumber, banana in your diet which have high water content
- If you stay hydrated, your health will be better. Most of your problems are solved by water. It is said that water is life, so it is true that water is no less than an elixir to keep our body healthy.

3. “20-10-5” Rule can prove to be a better solution
The screen puts pressure on your eyes. Use the “20-10-5 rule” to give them rest:
- As we know that digitalization is happening in the country and we are moving towards upgradation and almost every day new technologies and new gadgets are coming in the market, social media has accumulated and in social media we spend most of our time in front of the screen, so our screen presence has increased a lot and its effect is also seen on our eyes, so to protect our eyes from this, we can use the “20-10-5″ rule in our life, it will be very useful.
- After every 20 minutes, take your attention away from the screen and after 10 minutes drink some water and at last take a 5-minute break. This is my personal golden rule and you can also make some such unique rules for your life.
This can prove to be a good practice. Your body will never feel tired. You will always be active and your eyes will not have too much strain from the screen.
4. Protect your eyes from the sun
As you know, the sun emits some harmful ultra-violet rays which are not good for our eyes at all. This can cause diseases like cataract. So, never look directly at the sun and always use sunglasses whenever you go out in the scorching sun. This will keep your eyes protected from ultra-violet rays.
- Polarized lenses will be a great option to reduce the sun’s glare.
- You can also wear a wide-brimmed hat so that the effect of the sun does not reach your eyes.
5. Maintain your body weight according to your age
Obesity causes many diseases and one of these diseases is diabetes which is affecting many people nowadays and this diabetes also indirectly affects our eyesight, so maintain your body weight according to your age.
- Exercise or walk for at least 30 minutes daily and if possible, get out of the house once a day and take fresh air and make your eyes feel fresh.
- Take a balanced diet and gradually reduce sugar from your life so that you can always stay away from diseases like diabetes.
- By exercising daily and staying healthy, you can stay away from diseases like diabetes, eye complications to a great extent.

6. Reduce digital eye strain
Electronic devices are a major source of blue light and it is not good for our eyes at all
- Adjust the brightness of your gadget’s screen according to your room environment. This can be useful.
- The distance between you and your electronic gadget should be at least 15-16 inches, so that you are largely deprived of the blue light of the gadget’s screen.
- Blue cut lenses can prove to be the solution. Remember to always wear glasses with blue lenses whenever you sit in front of the screen and you can also filter the screen in reading mode or night mode.
- Whenever you use a computer or mobile device, do not forget to take a 10-minute break in between. This prevents your eyes from getting damaged.
7. Quit smoking
Smoking not only affects your lungs but your innocent eyes also become its victim. Do you know that smoking can also cause diseases like cataract, macular degeneration in your eyes?
- Smoking increases the risk of damage to your eyes three times and your eyes can easily be affected by any disease.
- If possible, quit smoking completely and if you are not able to quit smoking initially, then you can join a quit smoking program. You can also quit smoking by smoking a little less every day.
- By quitting smoking, you can win in both situations, which will not only save your eyes but will also keep your body healthy and fit.
8. Get your eyes checked regularly once every 3-4 months
Getting your eyes checked will let you know about the condition of your eyes and if you have any eye-related disease, you will come to know about it in time. Many times it happens that the disease increases and you come to know about it but its treatment is not available at that time. Therefore, it is important to get your eyes checked.
- I myself get my eyes checked once every 3-4 months and you can also do the same. If you do not want to do this, then you must get your eyes checked at least once a year
- Many times, regular checkups help detect diseases in the early stages, so that they can be treated in time. Some of these diseases are glaucoma and retina damage
- If you want to save your eyesight and keep it good for a long time, then you must get your eyes checked at regular intervals, lest it is too late
9. Follow good hygiene
A good hygiene always leads you to better and clean life, by maintaining it you can solve your half of the problem by itself
- To avoid eye infections, you should always keep your hands clean and keep your eye lenses clean
- Whenever you apply makeup or touch your eyes, always remember to keep your hands clean
- Make sure to wash your contact lens solution daily
- Clean your lens case almost every day and change the case every 3-4 months
- When your skin is clean and free from any scratches and cuts, irritation and serious eye infections will always stay away from you. If you take care of yourself, other diseases will not even be able to touch you
10. A sound sleep is always required for good health
After a stressful day, a good sleep can give complete rest to your eyes and also keep your body charged up
- Every human being needs at least 6 hours of sleep a day but to keep your eyes healthier for longer period of time one should always take a sleep for at least 7-8 hours. My personal recommendation is of 8 hours of sleep to get your eyes as well as body, healthy and fit
- Do not use any gadgets or spend time on screens for 1 hour before sleeping, just relax, think and get a sound sleep
- Your eyes are the ones that can make your day from best to bestest, so always keep them healthy and take proper rest.
Final thoughts
Taking care of eyes is not a big deal, everyone can do it but not everyone is so aware. Through this blog, we have tried to make you aware of the value of our eyes in our life and how important it is to take care of them from the beginning. This is a must-do task. So always take a good diet full of vitamins and minerals. You must include regular exercise in your daily routine and yes, remember that you must take proper rest so that your eyes do not feel too tired. I hope that the tips in this blog will definitely be useful to you. Cheers.